Pastor's Message

Dr. Darrin Lee and Mrs.Cheryl Lee
My name is Darrin Lee and I am Pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church. My wife Cheryl and I are delighted to have you visit our church website. It is my privilege to serve as the pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church of Livonia. Our heart-felt prayer is for people to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and become actively involved in a Bible-believing, Bible-preaching church that cares for them.
We make no apology for strong preaching, sound doctrine, and devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word. At Cornerstone Baptist Church, we believe that Jesus Christ is the Cornerstone foundation which we base our faith and trust.
September 2007, I was impressed by God that it was His will that we come to Farmington Hills Michigan and minister to the spiritual needs of the people in this community. To lead a church that would reach lost souls for the Lord Jesus Christ. A church that still stands on Bible doctrine and sings the great hymns of the past and has a primary vision of winning souls to the Lord Jesus Christ. It was just 30 days later that God provided a 12,000 sq. ft. church building and a congregation including my wife Cheryl and daughter Kelsi and 8 other people to begin with. Since October 2007, we have seen God reach down and save many souls. Literally 100's of decisions for Christ and many decisions for Baptism and church membership have been made by the grace of God.
Since that wonderful beginning, God has now opened the doors for us to move to Livonia just 3 miles away. In October 2016, God allowed us to purchase an 18,000 sq. foot building located at 29850 W. 6 Mile Rd. in Livonia. While the original building was a blessing, now we are located with extra land as well as being all on 1 floor! Praise the Lord. If you visit and are handicapped, please use the WEST entrance. God is good!!!
It is the mission of this church not only to reach the lost for Jesus Christ, but to edify and encourage the body of Christ. For many, a generation has passed since attending church. Children and teens are growing without strong Biblical influence in their lives. At Cornerstone Baptist Church, we believe that God is alive! We seek to educate and train our youth as well as the adults in the ways of the Lord that they may grow to live good and productive Christian lives.
At Cornerstone Baptist Church, we are looking forward to having you come and visit. We have Sunday school classes for all ages including a new member/new convert class that teaches the fundamentals of the faith. We are a diverse group of believers that welcomes all ages and race. Come this Sunday and worship with us. We would love to see you in church.
In Christ's service,
Darrin Lee D.R.E., Sr. Pastor
Mrs. Cheryl Lee, Bus Ministry Coordinator
I Thes. 5:18